It is time to escape the hot, hot heat of Barcelona for Valencia. We’ve never been to Valencia before so we are excited to see a new city but also sad to say goodbye to Barcelona. Not enough time to eat all the tapas and drink all the sangria here. Perhaps if they could put it all in a blender and make a big catalan specialty soup (tapas de gambas, jamon iberico, sangria, puta madre, queso fresco, chocolate, etc.) and then turn it into a powder so we can just drop it into hot water at the next rest stop. Seems reasonable to me, not to mention extremely marketable.
Valencia is right on the mediterranean and we see a couple of thousand castles on the way down the coast. Where we come from only Disneyland has castles but here they are like rotting fruit on the ground, like stray cats, like so many grains of sand on a beach, like stars in the milky way. Ok, I get it. Still, they are pretty cool to see and very impressive.
Valencia has all the potential to be amazing-it’s pretty big, it’s on the mediterranean and there’s a bunch of old shit. Apparently. I didn’t really see it. All I see is the Dub Club and a cafe that sells, oddly enough, beer. Here we relax and enjoy the weather with the Betunizer guys-a band from Valencia. And tonight we play with Cigüeña (Stork), a band half from here and half from Majorca which is just god damn exotic, if you ask me. Which you didn’t, but I don’t care, I’m going to come right out and say it: exotic. Eat it, naysayers.
Rock. Sleep. Drive. check.