Well, so here it is…the middle of August. We have been working diligently on a European Tour for September and now probably November. Everything is looking pretty good – we’ll be hitting France, Spain and England for the September section and some other countries in November. That is, assuming that the world still exists by then. In America, the stock market has lost about 45 Bazillion Dollars or whatever it is that the financial gurus push around on paper, the UK is suffering from major rioting, the EU is looking a bit shaky with Greece, Portugal, Ireland, and Italy all having financial problems. The credit demons are hungrily eyeing France now. La vie en rouge, I think.
So, what can we do to take your mind off this calamity? Sing some songs about beautiful New York and beautiful Prague? Why not. They are still beautiful after all. I still love italian food and we still have our health…

Hi Scott,
Where in the UK are you playing? Did you check out that venue in Bristol called ‘Thekla’ I told you about? The venue on a ship where you play bellow sea level.
Do you guys have any plans to make a new GVSB record at some point?
Hey Ryan
Still thinking about the UK dates – things are amiss and afoot so I’m not sure what’s happening yet. We are playing a couple of ships on this tour so adding another one could make it a trifecta. I like the idea. As for GVSB, well, who knows. Eli wrote something that we are all surrounding like a caged rat and inspecting.