Driving through the dry plateaus of this part of Spain is pretty impressive. Vast, open land with a big sky, full of sun and blue and a whole lot of scrub brush; I can only hope Clint Eastwood shows up on the horizon and rides past and doesn’t shoot me. That doesn’t happen but we find a restaurant in the middle of nowhere and get lucky with some tortillas, patatas bravas, calamari and lots of little tapas. Not bad for a gas station but much needed because we’ve been eating a whole lot of sandwiches lately.
We head to Vitoria-Gasteiz, the capital of the Basque Country, for a show in a university.
We are feeling a little burned out and sometimes university shows can be a bummer. This one is great though – really nice hosts and a whole lot of people all of the sudden. It was looking a little grim because it was an early show but the people came and seemed to like it, therefore, I like it.
The show is early enough that we are taken to a great restaurant and are treated to some risotto, fish with patatas bravas and then a very elaborate chocolate concoction, plus a ton of delicious rioja. They even have escalators on the street so we don’t have to work too hard to get up the 5% incline. Heaven, thank you for allowing us to enter your pearly gates. I will remember this next time I’m bad and if I believe in you.